Funny Cause I Didnt Know It Was Bear Hunting Season Movie

Open Season (2006) Poster

8 /10

This one surprised me.

When I saw "Open Season", my first impression was that the film looked a bit substandard compared to the higher quality Pixar movies which preceded it. While this opinion didn't change much during the course of the movie, I was surprised that I ended up really liking it anyway. Why? Because the writing was so good...and it's worth seeing.

"Open Season" is the story of Boog the Grizzly who was raised by a forest ranger. When he is returned to the wild, Boog is totally out of his element and is assisted by a chatty and occasionally annoying mule deer. As the story progresses, they seem to be doing a horrible job of finding civilization and end up nearly being killed because hunting season has just opened. Can the pair and their many new forest friends manage to survive and thrive against the odds?

The story is in many ways reminiscent of "Ice Age" and "Shrek" where you have a big creature who is constantly annoyed by a smaller and very chatty creature who insists on being friends. Don't expect 100% originality in this department. However, why I enjoyed the film so much are all the wonderful supporting characters--all of which were likable, funny and cute. Overall, quite a bit of fun and despite its shortcomings, a terrific story.

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10 /10

Are you kidding me?! 5.5?! I had so much fun watching Open Season!

Warning: Spoilers

I was very much looking forward to seeing Open Season on it's first weekend, but I was a bit worried when I saw only a 5.5 on IMDb, because normally, most of the users are right about these movies. But my friends and I still wanted to see this fun looking picture, so we saw it tonight and may I say that I am surprised by you IMDb users who didn't like this film, everyone is entitled to an opinion, I agree. But seriously, how could you not like this film? It has amazing animation, fun characters, and hilarious jokes for kids as well as adults!

After a bear, Boog, saves a deer, Elliot, from becoming another trophy for an evil hunter, Shaw, they become instant friends. But since Boog is a pampered bear, Elliot wants in on the room service, but ends up getting Boog in some trouble and back into the woods, together they decide to get back to civilization, trying their best to avoid open season from other hunters as well as getting away from Shaw. My favorite character is the porcupine, he was just so cute, "Buddy!". Especially, the scene where the dame explodes causing a huge wave of water to splash over the woods destroying everything and moving all the animals away from their safe place and the porcupine sees Boog and Elliot and just smiles and happily screams "Buddy!" while getting swooped up into the wave as well! It was so funny!

Seriously, people, learn to have some fun, I know this was a kid's movie, but my friends and I had a great time watching this movie. This is one of the best movies I have seen of 2006, hopefully, the rating will go up. To those who loved this movie, thank you for having a good sense of humor, to those who didn't like the movie, just give it another shot, please! :D


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9 /10

I hope my kids like it as much as I do.

Maybe I'm a little forgiving of this movie because of the positive memories it's associated with, but I really do think that Open Season is an entertaining film for parents and children. It has a number of jokes that make me laugh each time I watch it. I hope my kids like it as much as I do.

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5 /10

A Nutshell Review: Open Season

OK, this year alone probably saw a record number of talking animal animations, with countless of punchlines filled with pop culture references, and big name stars attached to the projects, that it's about time we give the genre a good break, rather than churning them out continuously with more misses than hits.

And Open Season, probably the last one on offer this year from a Hollywood studio, suffers from this glut, unfortunately. Heck, with so much similarities between the movies, you can even spot a familiarity or two from the story lines, taking a a leaf from one of the earlier flop - The Wild, in having one of its stars here, part of a popular animal attraction, and another part from Over The Hedge, where a group of animals must band together for survival and a fight against adversity.

The leads for Open Season are a domesticated grizzly bear who has its own teddy bear soft toy (don't ask), and a mule-deer with one half of its horn sawn off. An unlikely pairing, a "loser and a loserer", voiced by Martin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher respectively. It's strange that there's a reversal of voice roles here, as Lawrence's Boog the Bear is uptight, while Kutcher's Elliot the deer is built in the same old wise cracking mould as Eddie Murphy's Mushu in Mulan, or Donkey in Shrek. In other words, Boog frequently gets punk'd by Elliot.

It's one of those recycled plots about loneliness, and having two misfits finding themselves in each other, relying on strengths from the other party in order to survive in new environments. A misadventure sees Boog go back to the wild, with Elliot in tow, and the two have to find a way to get back to civilization where Boog belongs. Along the way they encounter other critters in the woods of course, paving the way for some comedy and more recycled themes of bullies and the likes. Don't believe the trailers though, as the war between animals and humans, doesn't take up much screen time.

The sad part though, is that there aren't many funny moments to distract you from the rehashed story lines and subplots, but then again, it's a made for children movie. As always, there are some of the weaker characters which get used as punching bags, and here, this role belonged to the mindless rabbits, which some might find irritatingly adorable. My vote however goes to the nasty Irish-accented squirrels, defenders of their pine trees with their nuts, and in second place, those insane beavers.

At least the animals don't break out singing songs every now and then, though there are some nice musical numbers that went along with the movie. But all in all, this movie isn't as entertaining as, say, Over The Hedge, and neither is it as bad as The Wild. But don't say I didn't warn you if you find this a tad too boring.

Wait for the DVD, and rent it. Oei!

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6 /10

I Like Those Two Animated Underdogs

This movie was released in 2006, so the animations are not up to date, but still watchable. I like styl of the figures and the simple but lovely characters they made. Some jokes are silly, but there are enough jokes for the whole family. I guess it is mainly made for children at the age of 6 to 10 years. Some jokes are only for the parents, so they can have an entertaining time, too. It's no milestone, there were several better animated movies inbetween, like e.g. 'Inside Out' or 'Wreck-It Ralph'. Compareable animated movies about friendship are a dozen each year. In this case I like the two underdogs Boog, the civilized Bear and Elliot the looser elk, who build a partnership to survive in the woods. It's an unequal team like Stan and Ollie. I would recommend that for families with children between 6 to 10 years old. It's a nice movie for rainy days.

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10 /10

Great movie, quit bashing it!!!

I can't understand what everyone is fussing about this film for. I saw it on the IMAX 3D and I honestly thought it was hilarious. I caught myself laughing out loud on many occasions. Seriously, this film is not "violent" by any means. To me, I really felt relieved to see some humor and scenes similar to the old Looney Tunes cartoons that used to be considered great, but are now considered evil and horrible.

I took my 4 year old daughter to see this movie as well, and she absolutely loved it. I have no reservations about any of the content in this movie, and I would highly recommend it to anyone with children. Any of the "adult" humor was tastefully done and, honestly how many small kids are gonna pick up it? The animation was well done, the cast was great, and there were some very creative action scenes in this movie. I wish all of these politically correct hypocrites would stop trying to psychoanalyze every damn film that comes out and bash it into the ground! Bottom line: This movie is outstanding, and it is incredibly funny!!!! GO SEE IT!

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7 /10

See It In IMAX 3D

The kids loved it, and I was not bored, and that is more than what you usually end up with these days. The 3D IMAX is truly amazing, if you are already paying the theater admission then IMAX is definitely the way to go. The story is not original, to say the least, but they know it and keep it short. I liked the voice talent, although this "the wiener dog has a German accent" thing gets old fast. A lot of people seem to hate this one with a vengeance (look at the distribution of the votes with all those people giving 1), but it still gets a 5.5 average, so that gives you a pretty good idea. This is no Incredibles by any means, but the two little girls I took enjoyed it a heck of a lot more than Cars. Mostly harmless family fun with a few bathroom jokes thrown in: enjoy!

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9 /10

Open season

Matin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher rock as the big bear "Boog" and the comic sidekick deer "Elliot". Unfortunately, the story was bland and the jokes were only mildly funny, so it will not be one of the best kids movies you're going to see this year. The "Laugh out loud" index was maybe a 5-10 (laughs per movie). "Over the Hedge" was closer to 20-30 for comparative purposes. "Boog" and "Elliot" were well played. The Scottish squirrels, Beavers and Rabbits were funny, but the rest of the characters didn't make much of an impression. Although somewhat entertaining, it was quickly forgotten after we left the theater (with the exception of the Austin Powers like shadow scene behind the curtain). If you need to take the kids out to a movie, this is funny enough to make it worthwhile, but don't get your expectations up to high.

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9 /10

Martin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher strike again.

Warning: Spoilers

I laughed so much through this movie I know I will have to see it twice because I had to have missed some of the funny parts. Very clean, which was surprising since Lawrence was in it, but so worth the time I spent watching it. It breaks your heart when Beth has to leave Boog in the woods but to see him overcome all the obstacles thrown in his path, is very amusing from the eyes of an animal. Aston Kutcher was hilarious as Eliot. I didn't realize he could be so funny and amusing. This movie I highly recommend to anyone with children regardless of their ages, if you want to spend time with your children in a clean environment. I intend to go back and take my neighbors children to see it also.

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6 /10

Knock-off of every CGI animated movie previously released.

I'd have to agree with the critics on this one. When you release so many CGI movies with talking animals, there is a point at which mediocrity becomes common place. Open Season is no exception.

It seems to me that a lot of these movies released this past year revolve around this basic formula. 1) A plot involving talking animals. 2) Hire celebrities to do the voice acting (need at least one comedian). 3) Have a main character and an annoying obnoxious sidekick. 4) Have some simple plot in which the main characters are on a journey and have to reach from point A to point B.

When watching Open Season, I couldn't help but notice the parallels to Shrek. Boog (the bear) = Shrek, and Elliot (the deer) = Donkey. Need voice actors? Easy, let's hire two comedians (Mike Myers & Eddie Murphy vs Martin Lawrence & Ashton Kutcher). Plot? Well, let's just make them stranded somewhere and they have to reach from point A to point B. In this case, from the forest to Boog's old home. Of course, I could make the same case with Finding Nemo (comedians Albert Brooks & Ellen DeGeneres, main character and sidekick, travel from point A to point B plot).

Now don't get me wrong, I love Shrek and Finding Nemo. The problem is that when you have two great movies like these released previously, you can't help but notice how much Open Season recycles from previous movies. Open Season lacks any emotional charm or comedic originality. Another problem I had is that a lot of the jokes are based on clichés and stereotypes (Scottish squirrels? Male deers = high school jocks? Ducks = French resistance? Female skunks = black women?).

If there's any redeeming value in this film, it would be the fact that I watched it in IMAX 3D. It looks amazing. Wearing the 3D glasses, I could see each individual patch of fur on Boog's back and the characters literally came out from the screen.

Is this movie good for the kids? Yes. It had some laughs in it and it does bring about a moral message about the preservation of wildlife. It's a good way to kill and hour and a half. But don't expect to see anything new or original in this film.

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9 /10

very good movie for kids alike

Warning: Spoilers

I have to say this show stayed completely flawless when it first came out. what was especially intelligent is the writing which makes so much sense and it is also relatable. characters are funny and unique in their own way. the pilot wasn't that dull but rather exciting. I really do wish they would do at least a open season 3 for my flavor and for everyone else would consider this to be as satisfying. 9/10 quality entertainment and family fun.

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6 /10

Quite a good entertainment, but not more than that

The story is nice, looking at hunting activity from the perspective of the ones being hunted. It is also being developed well with having additional complications. But the whole thing doesn't seem to hold together. The funny stuff doesn't really get funny. Martin Lawrence and Ashton's Kutcher's effort for crazy voices did just a little to help the movie to be funny. One strange thing I notice is that only Elliot, the one-antler goofed up mule deer that is the animal which stands on his rear feet beside Boog the Grizzly bear. It's quite normal to see bears and smaller critters like rabbits, squirrels and skunks portrayed standing on their rear feet because bear do that in reality. But concerning Elliot, he is the only other big animal who does that, while the other mule deer, including his love interest Giselle, stands on all four legs.

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6 /10

Who'd have thunk?

Matin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher rock as the big bear "Boog" and the comic sidekick deer "Elliot". Unfortunately, the story was bland and the jokes were only mildly funny, so it will not be one of the best kids movies you're going to see this year. The "Laugh out loud" index was maybe a 5-10 (laughs per movie). "Over the Hedge" was closer to 20-30 for comparative purposes. "Boog" and "Elliot" were well played. The Scottish squirrels, Beavers and Rabbits were funny, but the rest of the characters didn't make much of an impression. Although somewhat entertaining, it was quickly forgotten after we left the theater (with the exception of the Austin Powers like shadow scene behind the curtain). If you need to take the kids out to a movie, this is funny enough to make it worthwhile, but don't get your expectations up to high.

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5 /10

Bear Hunt

Predictable kiddie fare with okay animation and some good throwaway moments here and there.

Nothing we haven't seen before, but mildly entertaining and not without its charms. But the overall air of second hand fodder remains intact all through its running time. There's no real heart to all the cartoonish goings-on.

The character work is lackadaisical and the bland songs should've been omitted.

Some of the sidekick critters are funny, though.

5 out of 10 paranoid hunters

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8 /10

It's cute... plain and simple!

OK... I'm a hunter and I usually roll my eyes at animators with their anti-hunting stance. The ones that make the hunters look like jerks and the animals are much smarter and more in tune with nature... blah, blah, blah!

So, this movie does all of that, but I laughed throughout the movie! No one should take themselves so seriously that they can't laugh at what's going on around them!

Silly fun, good popcorn movie and entertaining to boot! I've got to admit, I'd never imagine Martin Lawrence as a Grizzly Bear, nor see Ashton Kucher as a one antlered deer, but someone had insight and imagination! Go and enjoy this silly movie... it has a couple of bathroom jokes, but what doesn't these days!

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8 /10

Fun for the whole family! A great start for Sony Pictures Animation!

What's a 'unihorn' you may ask? Well, it's a deer that only has one antler, of course. And you'll only see one in the new Sony Pictures Animation film, Open Season, starring Martin Lawrence, Debra Messing, Ashton Kutcher, Gary Sinise, Jon Favreau, and many more.

Martin voices the lovable Boog in the film; he's the main attraction of a show at the zoo with his best friend, Beth (Debra Messing). Boog also lives with Beth, equipped with his stuffed animal, Dunkleman. On a completely side note, what would a Sony film be without a reference to one of their own. Before Boog settles in for his comfy night sleep, he checks out Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune.

They have a great life together doing shows for the fans, even exchanging powerful roars. But that's before Elliot (Ashton Kutcher) shows up, the hapless one-antlered deer who's been captured by the evil Shaw (Gary Sinise). Boog helps Elliot escape and makes Boog's and Beth's life miserable, forcing Beth to send the two animals away into the forest.

On his own for the first time, Boog now has to rely on himself, or be stuck with Elliot. And that means figuring out how to go to the bathroom in the wild. That's when he first runs into McSquizzy, the squirrel (voiced by Billy Connolly) – McSquizzy is the ruler of the forest trees, and has a great and powerful squirrel Army to back him up, equipped with thousand of acorns. Without a doubt, McSquizzy is one of the highlights of Open Season! He's got wit, humor, and a ton of Scottish charm.

Boog realizes having Elliot around is the only way he'll get back to Beth. So they become 'partners,' much to the dismay of Boog – but the delight of Elliot, who just needs a friend. With hunting season right around the corner, the two must work together to sneak around the hunters.

But when Shaw breaks the hunting season date, the animals switch their thinking – instead of running away, they're going to fight back! And fight back they do! Trying to run away, Boog crosses a dam; unfortunately, his 900 pound body crumbles the wood.

That's when Open Season turns into Hill Street Blues! There is one of the most amazing chase scenes I've ever seen in the movies. Boog, Elliot, and their porcupine friend try and escape the gun shots of Shaw – but on water. Bobbing and weaving through the water, under water, above water, around rocks – great scene! There's even a waterfall at the end to top it off! I have somewhat of a test for animated movies I've been giving myself over the past few years – ever since seeing the water scenes in The Incredibles, and noticing how real it looked, I've started to take an eye to the screen. If water doesn't look real, than it doesn't pass the test. Let's just say, Open Season aced my test. This water chase scene goes on for about 5 minutes, maybe a little more; but it's so exciting and amazing to watch! It's not just the water of Open Season, it's the entire field of animation; the animals really come alive on the screen. I'm a huge fan of animation; I think it has to do with the fact that anything done with computer fascinates me. The detailed description of each character, from their eyes, nose, mouth, walk, and hair – and in this movie, fur; it's just so amazing! But back to the story - after meeting back up with the group of beavers, led by Reilly (voiced by Jon Favreau), some of Elliot's former deer mates (Patrick Warburton and Jane Krakowski), and a few other animals, Boog and Elliot team up and go on the attack against the hunters. Bras, plungers, grills, forks, knives, spoons, and basically, anything they can get their hands on – sorry, whatever they can get their paws on – they use to charge the hunters with.

Open Season is directed by Jill Culton, Roger Allers, and Tony Stacchi; each has a number of major credits to their name. Both Tony and Jill make their feature directorial debut on this film; however, Jill has worked at Pixar on the character development for Monsters Inc. and Toy Story. Tony worked on a number of films for ILM including Hook and Ghost. Roger Allers co-directed The Lion King, and has just recently completed The Little Match Girl – a short attached to The Little Mermaid.

Open Season is a fun and very enjoyable film for kids and families. It's definitely a film you'll be talking about for a long time. And don't forget, you can also check out the film in IMAX 3D, opening at major theaters across the country.

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9 /10

Great animal welfare message!

Way beyond Elmer Fudd vs. Bugs Bunny (I keep reading reviews saying "been there, done that")! Not only was it a very cute, entertaining flick, but what a wonderful message regarding animals - anti-hunting, respect their territory and don't try to domesticate what is not meant to be domesticated, even a plug for spay/neuter when they point out Mr. Weenie is "fixed". The animation was good - aside from one or two odd looking creatures (the little doe), I thought they were cute. And the campiness of the scenes added a little something different. All the actors who did voices did a terrific job. I am not a Martin Lawrence fan, but he rocked as Boog. And Ashton as Elliot was hysterical. It's no "Finding Nemo" or "Toy Story" but for a cute flick one afternoon, it's better than expected. Enjoy!

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6 /10

Cute, a few laughs, nothing original

Warning: Spoilers

I saw this movie today and I have to disagree with those who compare it to "The Incredibles" or "Cars." It's only slightly above average and not in any way original. There are a couple of laugh-out-loud scenes: When Boog and Elliot are fighting behind stage curtains and to the audience who can see only their shadows on the curtain, it looks as if Boog is gutting Elliot and splashing blood everywhere (actually the "guts" are ropes Elliot is tangled up in, and the "blood" is paint); and the scene where Elliot is explaining to Boog how to go to the bathroom in the woods, and suddenly just lets go with a stream of deer nuggets (thank heavens they don't show the grizzly dropping his droppings, though).

Silly, harmless fun (except for the bunny abuse ... what was up with that?), but again, nothing at a "Cars" or "Incredibles" level.

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10 /10

Perfect Movie! Perfect cast! Perfect everything!

A lot of times, we have our point of views on movies and stuff that don't always agree with the other person or it may do depending how you see it, but I can't argue with this. On September 29 2006, Sony Pictures has brought us the first animated feature and that film is Open Season. Successful or not, I don't care what people say. I believe in movies and movies should be love with respect! The story starts out about a 900 pound grizzly bear named Boog who was raised in the small town of Timberline by a pretty park ranger named Beth. His life takes a turn when he encounters a fun-loving one single antler mule deer named Elliot who is full of energy and high spirit. The movie follows them on their adventure through the woods, but a hunter named Shaw is on their trail from preventing them to get back home.

The film has a lot of adventure, humor and good heart at the end, but it never fails me to see how awesome it can be. It's nothing like you ever seen! In my own views, animals are NOT meant to be hunted! They're not some winning trophy you can get for doing a good job no, they're just like people! People with thoughts and feelings. If you love watching animated movies, you'll love Open Season! Everything they have is absolutely perfect in it!

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8 /10

Cute, Funny, Great Message

This film is very cute, it makes me laugh, and has a great message. Boog (Martin Lawrence), a grizzly bear, is unwillingly taken out of the comfort and warmth of his garage. He is far away from his owner Beth (Debra Messing) and is stuck in the forest with a very annoying mule, Elliot (Ashton Kutcher.) Boog is trying to find a way to get back to his garage and owner, but hunting season is just starting. Will he be able to make it back to the safety and comfort of his home in one piece? Well, you must tune in to see.

I like this film because of the comedy, the background music and the plot is very easy to understand. I think the talent does a really great job with the voice-overs and fit the part well. I love animated films and think the animation in Open Season is really good.

My favorite part is when Boog is trying to catch some fish because he is hungry. So when he goes to the river to do his fishing, the fish slap him right in the face. Boog is left standing there extremely humiliated. My favorite character is Elliot, because he has a free spirit, funny and he keeps me laughing.

Here are few of the people that make this film possible and do a good job. The directors are Roger Allers, Jill Culton and Anthony Stacchi (co-director). Some additional voice-overs in this animated film are, Gary Sinise (Shaw), Billy Connolly (McSquizzy), and Georgia Engel (Bobbie).

A message I found in this film is that you can't always depend on someone else to take care of you. One day they might not be there to protect you, so you have to look out for yourself. Boog is used to Beth taking care of him, but once he enters the forest he has no idea what to do.

I recommend Open Season for ages 6 to 13; they will definitely get it a kick out of it. It's good film for the family to sit down and enjoy it too. I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. It has a good message, the animation is great and it is an enjoyable film. Make sure you get a glimpse of the forest in Open Season.

Brianna Hope Beaton, age 13, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.

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2 /10

boring movie

It may take a whole but this movie was really boring and lacked a great plot and setting. The animation was decent and the characters look very odd and funny. Boogg the bear was weird and acted so dumb most if the time while Eliott the deer was just annoying and wasn't funny. The connection between the two was odd at first but eventually picked up. The hunter was also annoying and was just somehow always there at the right time and place hunting Boogg and Eliott. Beth the owner of Boogg was pretty normal but still lacked a lot. The movie seemed very boring from the start to finish. Although it gets better towards the ending, its still quite boring. And it wasn't funny in the least bit, all of the "jokes" were clichéd and didn't flow together. I didn't laugh once while watching Open season. I don't recommend anyone to watch this garbage, hopefully the second film is better but i wouldn't count on it.

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7 /10

Fun movie

I will admit Open Season isn't outstanding, but it was likable and fun. It is too short however, there are some predictable parts in the story and it occasionally feels too rushed. That said, it looks wonderful, with some lovely backgrounds and colours and the character designs are agreeable. The soundtrack is cool, the script has its funny moments with some of the more adult humour decently done and enough wit to satisfy anybody and the characters are likable especially Grizzly. Also the voice acting is surprisingly good, I was surprised at some of the choices(ie. Billy Connolly) of those to do the voices but all breathed life more than adequately to these fun characters. Overall I liked it, it was flawed yes but it was fun, that's all that matters at the end of the day. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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10 /10

Wild, wild life!

Warning: Spoilers

I saw an advance screening of "Open Season" earlier this evening (the only advance screening I've ever been to that started at 6pm, which must've been done so kids could see it and still get home at a decent hour).

I laughed out loud and heartily during the hour and half watching this movie than I have during all the comedies I seen in the past year. The animation is so good it's distracting during some of the close ups (check out the fur on Boog the bear and the main star). And all the forest animals were fully fleshed out character wise and very funny (especially the "take no nonsense" pair of female skunks). They were cute without being precious. And the script was Oscar worthy. If you don't love this film a part of you is dead inside. It's just that good.

Summary: There's this bear (Boog) who does a circus type act in a National park who lives with a park ranger. He later frees a young deer (Elliot) from the hood of a hunters car (the guy hit him and knocked him out before tying him to the hood) who follows him home, tempts him with a candy bar, which lead to a little b & e in a convenience store where they pig out on junk food. Through a series of events they both wind up in the forest just as hunting season begins. The animal bond, give the hunters hell and all ends well (especially for one of the skunks).

Remember how good you thought The Incredibles was?, this movie makes that look like so much ho hum it's not even funny.

And if you don't like it, go out and make your own film rather than tear this one apart.

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4 /10

For the whole family, if the family has low standards.

The idea for the film must have sprung to the mind of the writers while watching a certain toilet advert. A bear on the toilet? That is hilarious, isn't it...? Well, no, it isn't.

What you get here is a bland 3D flick. The characters, the story, the animations, the jokes.... Pretty much everything is awfully stereotypical of the genre. You can point on the various sources the writers lend their ideas from. The whole thing lacks heart and atmosphere. And the jokes don't even reach average sitcom level. Nothing in this whole thing elevates over the absolute bare minimum the genre asks for. It's not really bad, it's just bland and boring.

Rather watch any Pixar movie, even if you have seen it a dozen times. "Open Season" even then is less entertaining in comparison.

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7 /10

solid,very funny animated comedy

"Open Season" is a very entertaining animated film.i like the eclectic mix of characters.i really liked the dynamic between the 2 main characters,A domesticated bear named "Boog"(voiced by Martin Lawrence)and Elliot(Ashton Kutcher)a displaced mule deer with no family.i also though the dialogue was very good in this movie.there are some great one liners.there is also an abundance of action,(some of it very funny) and there are also some dramatic moments.dare i say it,this movie treads very close to being hysterical in some scenes.also,the choice of actors for the voices is brilliant in this movie,especially Lawrence and Kutcher.for me,"Open Season" gets a solid 7/10

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